Saturday 4 September 2021

The Short summary of Mahashweta


Mahashweta's novel is written by Sudha Murty. Sudha Murty always writes about the people and society in a very simple language. This book deals with Indian culture, social issues, and the issue of leukoderma. 

Anupama was a very beautiful college student, the daughter of a poor school headmaster. Anand was a doctor. He was handsome and from a very rich family. 

He married her against everyone. But after a couple of months, Anupama was affected by leukoderma disease. His and her all family was troubling her and she was treated badly by everyone in the society. She didn’t get any support from anyone. She had gone to commit suicide, but suddenly felt something and she turned back. She decided that she would build her existence and she left her village to live in Mumbai forever. That time she was completely alone, but there she was treated by people well. No one was making her aware of her disease. Later she builds her career and set up her independent space. It was a turning point for her. 

After some time Anand realizes his mistake. He came back to Anupama for starting new life again but this time Anupama rejected him. Because she wanted to be live happy and wanted to fly in the sky without any support. 

I think this story is about the stigma of leukoderma, a man just loves her outer beauty. But he never found inner love and emotions. There is a lack of awareness about this disease in our society. Therefore, people with this disease are treated differently. Society doesn’t accept them. People with leukoderma are facing such a big challenge especially women. They don't get support from society even from family. So, I ensure that this book will change our all perceptions and also will create awareness in society. Everyone should read this book.


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